Savoy Cabbage Tourmaline F1
£12.40 – £76.88
Tourmaline F1 Savoy Cabbage Seed
Mid to Late season. Excellent cold weather tolerance ensures you can harvest throughout the winter and well into spring. Very uniform, compact deeply savoyed heads with attractive dark-green colour, maintained until the end of the season.
Sow: April – June
Matures: August – April
Germination: 13-15°C
Row width: 50-60cm
Target plant population: 20,000 per acre
Purchase by Seeds:
Sowing & Harvest Times
Protected cold
Protected heat
Transplant month
Flowering Period
Early Crop
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Main Crop
J |
F |
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A |
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J |
A |
S |
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Late Crop
J |
F |
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A |
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A |
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