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Carrot Nazareth F1


Nazareth F1 Carrot Seed

Product code: CAR 077

Mid season maturity with outstanding, healthy vigorous foliage. The uniform smooth skin and attractive appearance make this a possible contender for prizes on the showbench. The rich orange roots are well buried in the soil, preventing green shoulders and gives roots good frost tolerance.

Direct Drilled per acre:
– Early crop 300,000 seeds or 300g
– 2nd early crops 400,000 seeds or 400g
– Main crops: 700,000 seeds or 700g

– Early crops end Oct /Jan under polytunnel
– 2nd early crops Feb/ March under polythene/ fleece
– Main crops April to mid June

– Early crops  early to mid June
– 2nd early crops Mid june to late July
– Main crops August onwards

Germination: 8°C

Row width: Twin 45cm

SKU: CAR 077 Categories: ,

Sowing & Harvest Times

Protected cold
Protected heat
Transplant month
Flowering Period
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