Tomato Toddler F1
£10.40 – £64.48
TOM 150
Special Trial Introduction price for you to try alongside your favourite Tomato this season! We believe this is going to become the hybrid version of Gardeners Delight in future years. Please give it a try and send us your feedback. Toddler is one of the most dynamic introductions for years with well-proportioned long trusses that bear 12-16 mid-sized glossy red cocktail tomatoes. Crack-resistant fruits are super sweet with a 10% Brix and a pleasing acid tang. Plants have a strong package of disease resistance, including Late blight, helping provide a trouble-free production all season long. Indeterminate section.
Plants will require sideshoots removing and given support for the best yields.
Sowing & Harvest Times
Protected cold
Protected heat
Transplant month
Flowering Period
Main Crop
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