Kohl Rabi Quickstar F1
£6.65 – £41.23
Medium green colour with firm, smooth, round bulb, suitable for growing under glass, polythene or outdoors. Ideal for early heated cultivation. Slow to bolt. Crisp texture and mild taste of the bulbs resembles water chestnuts. Tasty raw or cooked.
Direct Drilled per acre: 100,000 seeds or 350g
Target Plant population per /acre: 46,500
Sow: Early Feb to April in Modules | Direct drill from March to mid June
Matures: May to October
Row width: 38cm
Germination: 13-15C
Purchase by Seeds:
Sowing & Harvest Times
Protected cold
Protected heat
Transplant month
Flowering Period
Early Crop
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Main Crop
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J |
A |
S |
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Late Crop
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F |
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A |
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