Cauliflower Kamis F1
£6.75 – £41.85
Cauliflower Kamis F1 Seeds
Exceptional deep heavy white curds. Produces vigorous strong frame. Excellent uniformity. Performs best from early to mid-July planting.
Sow: April – May
Plant out: June – July
Harvest: October – NovemberTarget Plant population per/acre: 13,500
Germination: 13-15°C
Row width: 60cm
*Best raised as modules and planted out
Purchase by Seeds:
Sowing & Harvest Times
Protected cold
Protected heat
Transplant month
Flowering Period
Early Crop
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |
Main Crop
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |
Late Crop
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |