Dwarf French Bean – Dior
£11.50 – £86.25
Dior Dwarf French Bean Seeds
Waxy, yellow pods, of very good flavour, produced on compact plants. Exceptionally uniform pods that are 13cm (5″) in length and pod set. Shows an attractive deep yellow colour fairly early on as the beans develop. Height: 50cm
Ready to harvets in approximately 70 days.
Target plant population per /acre: 100,000
Direct drilled rate per acre: 20-40kg depending on seed count.
Sow: May – Mid July
Matures: July to September
Row width: 45cm
Germination: 16°C
S/C 6 per g
Purchase by Grams:
Sowing & Harvest Times
Protected cold
Protected heat
Transplant month
Flowering Period
Early Crop
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |
Main Crop
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |
Late Crop
J |
F |
M |
A |
M |
J |
J |
A |
S |
O |
N |
D |